Debugging wireless mesh networks mainly depends on observers, namely embedded systems e.g., Raspberry Pi boards, which are connected with each other by infrastructure backbones, e.g., WiFi or Ethernet. These observers can record loggings with timestamps and send them back to a server. However, for long distance communication networks, e.g., LoRa networks, debugging with such infrastrure-based approaches is expensive, inflexible, and even unfeasible. Thus, we build ChirpBox, an infrastructure-less LoRa testbed. ChirpBox is open source and under the license of CC BY-SA 4.0. The source code is available here.
This work is initiated by Xiaoyuan Ma (SARI, CAS, now SKF Group, China),
Carlo Alberto Boano (TU Graz,
Austria), and Ye Liu (NJAU, China).
- Pei Tian (SARI, CAS): LoRaDisC design and system implementation;
- Fengxu Yang (ShanghaiTech): Energy consumption evaluation;
- Dan Li (SARI, CAS): Bank switch verification;
- Xin Tian (SARI, CAS): Engineering and deployment;
- Yuan Li (NJAU): Web clients and servers for remote access;
- Lin Luo (NJAU): Web clients and servers for remote access;
- Yusheng Luo (NJAU): Web clients and servers for remote access.
Debugging wireless mesh networks mainly depends on observers, namely embedded systems e.g., Raspberry Pi boards, which are connected with each other by infrastructure backbones, e.g., WiFi or Ethernet. These observers can record loggings with timestamps and send them back to a server. However, for long distance communication networks, e.g., LoRa networks, debugging with such infrastrure-based approaches is expensive, inflexible, and even unfeasible. Thus, we build ChirpBox, an infrastructure-less LoRa testbed. ChirpBox is open source and under the license of CC BY-SA 4.0. The source code is available here.
This work is initiated by Xiaoyuan Ma (SARI, CAS, now SKF Group, China), Carlo Alberto Boano (TU Graz, Austria), and Ye Liu (NJAU, China).
Main Contributors:
- Pei Tian (SARI, CAS): LoRaDisC design and system implementation;
- Fengxu Yang (ShanghaiTech): Energy consumption evaluation;
- Dan Li (SARI, CAS): Bank switch verification;
- Xin Tian (SARI, CAS): Engineering and deployment;
- Yuan Li (NJAU): Web clients and servers for remote access;
- Lin Luo (NJAU): Web clients and servers for remote access;
- Yusheng Luo (NJAU): Web clients and servers for remote access.